Album: In Jesus' Name - A Legacy of Worship & Faith
Verse 1
Into Your courts I come, Your love has drawn me closer
Here with a grateful heart, for Your love delivered me
Lord I believe, You hear my desp'rate cry for help, I know You listen
Chorus 1
So I pray to the Risen One my highest Hope, I trust You with my life
Lord, over ev'ry storm, Your love is holding me
Verse 2
And in this secret place, where Kings have prayed, and nations bow their knee
I come and surrender now, and pray Your will be done
Lord I believe, that you illuminate this darkness, I know You listen
Chorus 2
Pray to the Risen One my highest Hope, I trust You with my life
Lord over ev'ry storm, Your love is holding me
Your kingdom come, Your will be done
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This song speaks directly to my soul.... - Aug 2017