In This Field by Dawson Cowals

Song Lyrics

Unplugged by Dawson Cowals

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In This Field
by Dawson Cowals

Album: Unplugged

I stand out in this field
In the darkness of the night
And I strain to listen
For the slightest whisper

Though I am miles from the town
When I gaze into the sky
Like a city on a hill
No, it cannot be hidden

For the glow fills the air
Like a gift from heaven
And as I stand in awe and stare
These are the words I'm given

Why don't we
Stand out from the crowd
Why aren't we
Singing aloud

This is what you're worth
Jesus came to earth
Where he bled and died and rose again
This is what you're worth
Why he came to earth
So that we could live with him
In heaven

Well if we're to be the light
That the world is given
So that they might find their way
Out in this darkened field

Why do we hide our lamps away
And leave them in the dark
They should be clearly burning
Not kept 'neath our calloused hearts

I stand out in this field
In the darkness of the night
And I strain to listen
For the slightest whisper

Matthew 5:13-16

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