But I Do Know by Del Delker

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Heaven On My Mind by Del Delker

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But I Do Know
by Del Delker

Album: Heaven On My Mind

I do not know oh Lord,
why it should be thy will
for me to bear so much
of heartache and of pain.
I do not know oh Lord,
why it should be thy will
for me to suffer loss
when I have prayed for gain.
But I do know
Thou wilt not let me go
Thy way is always best,
No matter what the test.
And I do know,
If I but trust in thee
All the darkness soon will pass
And I shall see
I do not know oh Lord,
Why it should be thy will
For me to walk
This valley road so dark and drear
I do not know oh Lord,
Why it should be thy will
For me to turn from
All the dreams I held so dear
But I do know
Thou wilt not let me go
Thy way is always best
No matter what the test
And I do know
If I but trust in thee
All the darkness soon will pass
And I shall see

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