Album: Just Who I Am
I met Jesus in a Texas town,
Small little church with a Mexican sound.
The preacher shouted Gloria a Dios,
That night Jesus saved me to the uttermost.
Jesus saved me to the uttermost.
I was down in Texas as low as I've been,
Questioning life and living in sin.
Then I saw a framed church and heard guitars play,
They were praising Jesus in a Mexican way.
I pulled my car up and I listened outside,
I decided to slip in after a while.
They say that curiosity killed the cat,
Well when I walked in, now I understand that.
Then the preacher preached from the Holy Word,
And I didn't understand a thing that I heard.
Oh but somehow I know what he was tryin' to say,
And I found all the answers I needed that day.
Spanish Chorus:
Encontre a Jesus en un pueblo Tejano,
En una iglesia con sonido Mexicano .
El pastor grito, Gloria a Dios,
Esta noche Jesus me salvo.
Esta noche Jesus me salvo.
Esta noche Jesus me salvo.
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