Album: Heel
There is the flower
Falls from the vine
It had its moment
In the sunshine
This is our sentence
This is our lot
All we remember
All we forgot
We're only temporary
Then gone with the wind
But if we're with him
We won't disappear
Heaven comes clear
Yeah that's the deal
And there'll be a day
When time will give way
We may not ever leave this world cured
But we can leave it healed
The spirit is willing
The flesh it is weak
This cup is so heavy
Can it just pass from me
He in the garden
Said the same thing
Trusting his father
And what it would bring
We're only temporary
Then gone with the wind
But if we're with him
We won't disappear
Heaven comes clear
Yeah that's the deal
And there'll be a day
When time will give way
We may not ever leave this world cured
But we can leave it healed
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