Album: Future Glory
Jesus my glory - sanctify me
Use my hands and my feet for Your kingdom's will
Wash me and clean me with water and blood
Grant me a peaceful heart and a mind of Christ
My Prince and my Shepherd
Lead me by the streams of truth
My Joy and my Fountain
Let me drink from more of You
Let me drink from more of You
Jesus my glory - dispose of my sin
Guide my affections and thoughts - forgive my heart
Your fullness and mercy have called me by name
I am a child of the cross and You promised Your love
No other Fountain
No other refuge
You are my glory God
No other pleasure
No other comfort
You are my glory God
Jesus my glory - my Savior and friend
I hold fast to Your word that You'll come back again
My firm foundation - I rest solely on You
Give me faith to endure the cross through the end
My glory God
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