Hope for a Broken Heart by East to West

Song Lyrics

North of the Sky by East to West

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Hope for a Broken Heart
by East to West

Album: North of the Sky

Every weary brother, every wayward son
Lost and lonely daughter, everyone
Foolish or forgotten, feeling left behind
Anyone who comes to Him can find

A companion for the lonely
There's a lifeline for the lost
Desperate souls who are drowning in the dark
I know, there's hope for a broken heart

Hearts that have been wounded believing every lie
Come to see things in a different light
Feel the winds of freedom blowing tenderly
For everyone who finds Him He will be


How do I know that He will never leave me
How do I know that He'll pull me through
How do I know, I know
I've seen it time and time and time again
He's always been


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