Forty-Five by Eonia

Song Lyrics

Passing by Eonia

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by Eonia

Album: Passing

It's hard to believe that this was real
Another year has passed
Staring at photographs that failed
To capture what I felt

I barely recognize myself
And who I used to be
And I wonder if you all feel the same

We lit the torch
Now we're passing it on
Don't quench the fire in your hearts
We lit the torch
Now we're passing it on
Don't quench the fire in your hearts

This bond is stronger than flesh and bone
I will see you again
Brothers and sisters the family of God
I will see you again

Let the holy Spirit guide your lives
Let the holy Spirit guide your lives
So I say walk by the spirit and you will not
Gratify the desires of the flesh

This bond is stronger than flesh and bone
I will see you again
Brothers and sisters the family of God
I will see you again

In this life or the next
I will see you again
You've shown me what it means to live
I will see you again

Everytime I look into their eyes
I see reflections of you
I'm reminded of what you mean to me
In all of my prayers for all of you
I always pray with joy
And your heart always be filled with passion

Once filled with death
Now full of life
Once filled with hate
Now full of love
Once filled with death
Now full of life
Never the same
Forever changed
Once filled with death
Now full of life
Never the same
Forever changed

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