United We Stand by Evie

Song Lyrics

When All Is Said and Done by Evie

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United We Stand
by Evie

Album: When All Is Said and Done

At the foot of the rugged, but precious cross,
A person can be born again.
Become one with the Father,
Through the Blood of the Son.
Become one with the body of all the believers,
United with Christians all over the world,
To rejoice in this family of God.

United we stand,
Divided we fall.
It's a spiritual law,
We can never amend, revoke, or change.
When the body is one,
Spiritual victories are won,
United we stand, divided we fall.

Any kingdom divided against itself,
Including the kingdom of God,
Will not stand.
So why in competition try to build,
Our own little kingdoms within His great kingdom,
Seek our own glory instead of the glory and power,
That flow from His throne?

United we stand, (United we stand)
Divided we fall, (Oh oh oh)
It's a spiritual law, (Its a spiritual law)
We can never amend, revoke, or change.
When the body is one, (The body is one)
Spiritual victories are won (Victories are won)
United we stand, (United we stand)
Divided we fall.

There are two special pieces of evidence,
That will convince the world,
About the work of Christ.
It's not first signs and wonders,
Or the things we often seek,
It is John 13: "Love one another" and it's,
John 17: "I pray that they all may be one that the world may believe."

United we stand, (United we stand)
Divided we fall, (But divided we fall)
It's a spiritual law, (Its a spiritual law)
We can never amend, revoke, or change.
When the body is one, (When the body is one)
Spiritual victories are won (Victories are won)
United we stand, (United we stand)
Divided we fall.

United We Stand! (United We Stand!)

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