Carry On by Gloryfall

Song Lyrics

Blessed and Favored by Gloryfall

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Carry On
by Gloryfall

Album: Blessed and Favored

Verse 1:
I thank God for this place in life
That He brought me here to prepare me
I thank Him for the people
He brought along to help me through
I thank Him for my abilities
So I'll step out now into my calling

And I know He watches over me
I know that His love will carry on

There are higher mountains that I'm gonna climb
There are bigger walls that will get in my way
There are more battles that I'll fight everyday
But like before…… I'm gonna carry on

Verse 2:
I thank God for the help He gave
To bring me closer to my dreams
I thank Him for the love he gave
To encourage and strengthen me
I thank Him for the plans He has
That He paves the way to my destiny

Oh the journey… has been long
I thank God He's bought me this far
Through the wind, through the rain
Through the storms, I've become stronger

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