Liars & Thieves by Good Luck Varsity

Song Lyrics

Liars & Thieves
by Good Luck Varsity

Album: Liars & Thieves

It was the third week of September, but I was still in love with all the sights and sounds of summer. Yea, I was dreaming of the days we ran through canyons, jumped from bridges, and gave the homeless hope. We made mistakes, and they were on display, but we forgave cause all we want is honesty.

So we sing loud, and when we shout it sounds like thunder, heralding the underdog, the liars and the thieves. Cause we're just like you, imperfect, we take our shots, we're bruised but not abandoned; no, never abandoned to the grave.

I feel at home among the beggars, the broken just like me. Cause they don't try to mask their imperfections, they do not deceive. When we fall down, we will not try to hide our insecurities. When we admit we need forgiveness we are free.

Some days I wake up, and all I taste is dirt between my teeth. I know that I've landed face down, and everyone can see all of my back alley brawls with all my inconsistencies, my every failure displayed in my museum of defeat.

We are broken and flawed, we are failures and frauds, but we're learning, we're not hiding. We build our fortresses up, we spend our lives defending. I'm setting fire to mine, I'm tired of pretending.

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