Fullness of Time by Good Shepherd Band

Song Lyrics

Fullness of Time
by Good Shepherd Band

Album: All The Bells Shall Ring

From Adam's rebellion to Moses' good Law
Death reigned, the master of men
With all of creation held under its claw
Awaiting redemption from sin
But when the Law thundered in earthquake and fire
Weak as it was through our flesh
It could not help conquer our sinful desires
Only tightened the noose round our neck

Still, God remembered His mercy in wrath
And promised a way of escape:
A Lamb to be killed on the people's behalf
Would trample the head of the snake
But though we would offer our best to the fire
And rivers of blood would be spilt
This could not help with our sinful desires
Nor atone for the depth of our guilt

When the fullness of time had come
God sent us His only Son
Born of a woman, born under law
So that He might a people redeem

With joy set before Him, and love to display
He laid aside His great crown
To share in our nature as creatures of clay
He emptied Himself and came down
And lived like a servant without any home,
He carried our sorrows and griefs
Was spit at, rejected, despised and alone
Accursed, He hung on a tree


We're no longer slaves, we've been bought with a price
Adopted, delivered, we're sons now with Christ
We stand in His righteousness dressed
To His righteousness free!


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