Album: Destined for Ascension
Saul was breathing murder and violence upon the early disciples
He journeyed to Damascus to arrest and persecute them
Along the way a flash of light blinded him, he heard the voice of Jesus
He couldn't see but the voice told him to continue to Damascus
Saul was struck down by the light
For 3 days no drink nor food
Anannias prayed for him
The scales fell from his eyes
On the road to Damascus
It was there Saul was set free
On the road to Damascus
Granted life eternally
I'd never had much time for preachers, always pushing the same old lies
If somebody shoved a bible in my face there was a strong chance of violence
I lived my way, didn't need their God, I did just what I wanted
Then one day I heard the voice of Jesus calling me to a new way
Something touched me deep within
I could not hide from my own sin
Something called me this I knew
The voice of Jesus in my heart
On the road to Damascus
It was there Saul was set free
On the road to Damascus
Granted life eternally
We're on the road x 4
As I moved forth in my new faith I could see a parallel
Just like Saul I came upon my own road to Damascus
I was on the path to denigrate and persecute them
So convinced I was better than them, I'd do anything to prove it
When I heard the call I did not think that anyone would believe me
I'd lived for hate and stood for the destruction of religion
Fortunately I found many who would accept me
Empowered and free I live solely for the gospel's purpose
Set free by the precious blood of Jesus
New life, new way I am now living
Just like Saul's life I have been transformed
My sole purpose is to share the gospel
When Saul arrived in Damascus he began to preach boldly
All the people could not believe that this was the same man
I've seen this in my life as I've entered into the new way
People cannot believe the change in me, the fruit of the Holy Spirit
Barnabus was Saul's ally
Convinced others he had changed
In my life my friends in Christ
Have done exactly the same
The challenge for you if you've come this far is to see how this relates
All of us are on the road to Damascus in some way or other
Can you hear the voice of Jesus calling you, asking that you receive him?
Let the scales fall from your eyes and come into the new way
We are all on our own journey along the road to Damascus x 8
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