Ungrateful by Gryp

Song Lyrics

Black by Gryp

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by Gryp

Album: Black

Eternity waits for me
How many times and how many ways will you ridicule me?
Eternity waits for me
How many times and how many ways will you ridicule me?
How does it feel to know that you won't make it past this world,
unless you turn to the One who sacrificed it all for you?
Sorry ungrateful slob
Ungrateful (Can't take it anymore)
Ungrateful (Now you've gone too far)
Ungrateful (I've given it my all)
Ungrateful (You little slob)
Serenity flees from me
You and your bladed tongue always humiliating me
Serenity flees from me
You and your bladed tongue have severed my pride

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  1. Black by Gryp - 2014
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