When I Speak by Impending Doom

Song Lyrics

When I Speak
by Impending Doom

Album: The Serpent Servant

When i speak may it bend, break, and bleed sincerity.
A voice, a voice like running waters,
Its not dry nor is it hollow, that is a river you want to follow.
There are those who debase his word, look the part,
But its too absurd, diminish his word, look the part but its too absurd.
I'm not telling you to meet any conditions, but to question everything!
Everything has its time! Everything has its season,
Its purpose, timing, its reason.
My length of years put into perspective determines.
Now's the time! To question everything!
Everything has its time!
Not trying to shove anything down anyone throats, forgive me for judging the breath of life and the breath we breathe. When i speak may it bend, break, and bleed sincerity.
A voice like running waters, its not dry nor is it hollow,
That is a river you want to follow. Question everything!

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