The Sound of Freedom by JJ Weeks

Song Lyrics

The Sound of Freedom by JJ Weeks

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The Sound of Freedom
by JJ Weeks

Album: The Sound of Freedom

It's the song of sweet redemption
It's the rebel's testimony
It's that broken hallelujah
The voice of those no longer lonely

Ohhh I can hear it
Ohhh Loud and clear
That's freedom
That's the sound of freedom

When your chains hit the floor
You're not guilty anymore
That's freedom
That's the sound of freedom

Singing I'm not who I was
All because of Jesus
It's the heartbeat of a soul forgiven
It's the cry of being born again
It's a shout of praise that reaches heaven
A joyful noise you just can't keep in


I can hear it like the rolling thunder
A mighty roar that can't be tamed
The declaration of all God's children
A billion voices lifting up one name


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