Album: The Beautiful City
Get ready for the day of
Judgment, great and
Terrible day
Get ready for the day of
You cannot hide from it; you
Can't run away
Get ready for the day of
You can't run; you can't hide
It'll bring you to your knees
And humble your pride
Get ready for the day of
Jesus, comin' to us all
Get ready for the day
Of Jesus
Listen to His voice; listen for
His call
Get ready for the day
Of Jesus
Get ready for the day
Get ready
Get ready, don't run away
Get ready
You'll reap what you've been
Sowin', it all comes back
To you
You'll reap what you've been sowin'
Hate for hate; love for love
All the lies and truths
You'll reap what you've
Been sowin'
You can't run; you can't hide
It'll bring you to your knees
And humble your pride
You can't run; you can't hide
It'll bring you to your knees,
And humble your pride
Look what you've done to
Nature, water, earth and air
Look what we've done to
And we wage war on one
Another; unjust or fair
We wage ware on one another
Get ready for the day
Get ready
Get ready, don't run away
Ger ready
Get ready for the day
Ger ready
Get ready, don't run away
Get ready
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