Album: Live At The Fellowship
Verse 1:
In the midst of worship, I experience
Your glory and Your presence
in this house, in this house,
in this house, in this house.
Verse 2:
Holy hands we raise in this temple,
there is power to deliver,
in this house, in this house,
in this house, in this house.
I lift my hands in adoration
for the presence of the Lord is here
in this house, in house,
in this house, in this house.
Verse 2
Verse 1
Vamp 1:
All that I need,
I praise and worship Thee,
as I bless Your Holy name,
it shall come to me.
Vamp 2:
All that I need,
everything I need,
I find in Him.
Oh, all that I need,
everything I need,
I find in Him.
Vamp 3:
All that I need,
all that I need,
all that I need,
all that I need.
In this house, in this house,
in this house, in this house.
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