Wait by Kimberly Croswhite

Song Lyrics

by Kimberly Croswhite

Album: Revolution Vol. II

Verse 1:
Sometimes the truth and this culture will crowd
My mind in a mixture of belief and doubt
I wait for You
Sometimes my passion burns bright like a star
Or like a coal glowing faint in the dark
I wait for You

I'll keep waiting, I'll keep waiting, I'll keep waiting for You

Verse 2:
Knowing Your goodness and knowing Your will
Gets overshadowed by flesh unfulfilled
I wait for You
Silence and stillness are easy to break
I find it difficult trying to wait
Trying to wait for You

Restless in my skin, hard to believe You'll be back again, restless in my skin

Verse 3:
Children I stand at the door and I knock
Waiting to cloak you in My saving blood
I wait for you

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