Album: Lamb I
Ha-tish-kach i-shah oo-lah
Me-ra-chem ben bit-nah
Gam e-leh tish-kach-nah
Vah-no-chi lo esh-kah-chekh
Hen al-kah-pa-yim
Neg'-di ta-mid
Can a woman forget her nursing child
Or fail to have compassion upon him?
She may forget, but lo, will I not
Israel you are always before Me...
Behold I have engraved my people
On the palms of My hands
Your walls are always before me, Israel
How can I forget?
Thus saith the Lord, if the sun that lights the day,
Or the moon and stars that light the evening sky...
If these laws I forget or before me no more be,
Only then will I forget you, Israel...
Ha-tish-kach i-shah oo-lah
Me-ra-chem ben bit-nah
Gam e-leh tish-kach-nah
Vah-no-chi lo esh-kah-chekh
Hen al-kah-pa-yim
Neg'-di ta-mid
rating 4.9 with 12 votes
7 favs
One of the first Messianic songs I ever heard made a TREMENDOUS impact on me.... "Thank You, [ETERNAL] LAMB!" - Feb 2025
How I love this song!! Brings back memories of my youth, listening to Lamb songs and loving the beautiful anointed melodies & lyrics - and the powerful messages expressed through them. Thank you' - Nov 2024
God has not forgotten us. Thank you LORD for sending your only begotten Son to make atonement for my sins. - Dec 2022