Yeshua Means Salvation by Lamb

Song Lyrics

Seer by Lamb

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Yeshua Means Salvation
by Lamb

Album: Seer

A sign appears in the heavens,
Glory to His name (Matthew 2:2),
A star over Beit-lechem,
Glory to His name (Matthew 2:6),
Angels sing to the shepherds,
Peace on Earth toward men (Matthew 2:14),
Messiah born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14)

Yeshua means salvation,
Yeshua's our redemption,
Up from the grave He's risen,
We are forgiven,
Yeshua means salvation,
Yeshua's our redemption,
Up from the grave He's risen,
Eternal life He's given,
(Up from the grave, up from the grave,
Yeshua's our salvation.)

Healed the Gadarene madman,
Glory to His name.
Cast the legion right out of him,
Glory to His name (Matthew 8:28-34)
Healed a man named Lazarus,
Raised him from the dead (John 11:32-44)
Brought the people deliverance,
Glory to His name.

Despised and rejected,
Glory to His name (Isaiah 53:3)
For us was afflicted,
Glory to His name (Isaiah 53:4)
Like a lamb to the slaughter,
He open not His mouth (Isaiah 53:7)
Bore the sins of so many,
Glory to His name (Isaiah 53:12)

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