Flawless by Lexly Nirvana

Song Lyrics

by Lexly Nirvana

Album: Flawless - Single

Tell me oh God, tell me this is really ok
Tell me that these people don't mean what they say
Tell me that the mirror keeps lying to my face, made in your image, I'm flawless.

Dime Dios m o
Dime que todo est bien
Dime que la gente no sabe lo que dice
Que el espejo miente al reflejarme , por que a tu imagen soy sin defectos

Eres hermosa y bendecida (You are beautiful and blessed)
You are beautiful and blessed ( Eres hermosa y bendecida)
Baby girl you are nothing less ( Baby girl no eres menor)
Ok no va ser en ingles (Ok is not going to be in English)
No nacida en US (Not born in the US)
Mexico lindo (Beautiful Mexico)
Aqu voy otra vez (Here I go again)

Dios me hablo a los 17 (God called me at 17)
Con un coraz n quebrado (With a broken heart)
De un chico a otro (From relationship to relationship)
Estaba todo enredado (It was all tangled up)

La mentira me cre (The lie I believed)
Necesito a alguien (I need someone)
Para ser feliz (To be happy)
La relaci n termina ( The relationship ends)
Mi mundo gris (My world goes gray)

Pero no fue mi fin (It was not the end)
M s bien ( More like)
El comienzo (The beginning)
Tu amor me cautivo (Your love captivated me)
Me recibiste con todo y mugrero (You accepted me with everything and my mess)
Y todav a no lo entiendo ( I still dont understand)
Pues quien soy yo (Who am I?)
Para que en mi sigas creyendo (For you to keep believing in me)

Mi identidad est en ti (My identity is in you)
Jesus// (Jesus)

No hay nadie como t // ( There is no one like you)

Tell me oh God, tell me this is really ok
Tell me that these people don't mean what they say
Tell me that the mirror keeps lying to my face, made in your image, I'm flawless.

Dime Dios m o
Dime que todo est bien
Dime que la gente no sabe lo que dice
Que el espejo miente al reflejarme , por que a tu imagen soy sin defectos.

Sin defectos ya tu sabes quien soy (Without flaws you know who i am)
Y Jes cristo anda quiera que voy (Jesus goes with me wherever I go)
It's Biancallove baby, yeah I'm beautiful (Soy biancallove, si hermosa)
And I don't need no man to tell me that ( No necesito que un hombre me lo diga)

El muri por mi ( He died for me)
Solo me hace feliz ( He makes me happy)
I got the victory ( Tengo la victoria)
My God set me free (Dios me hizo libre)
Tu eres m s valiosa que los rub es ( You are more valuable than rubies)
No dejes que te traten como groupie (Dont let them treat you like a groupie)
El enemigo quiere robar tu bendici n (The enemy wants to steal your blessing)

Guarda tu coraz n // (Guide your heart)

El t creo tan bella ( He created you beautiful)
Eres su creaci n ( You are his creation)

No hay nadie como tu// ( There is no one like you)

Tell me oh God, tell me this is really ok
Tell me that these people don't mean what they say
Tell me that the mirror keeps lying to my face, made in your image, I'm flawless.

Dime Dios m o
Dime que todo est bien
Dime que la gente no sabe lo que dice
Que el espejo miente al reflejarme , por que a tu imagen soy sin defectos.

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