Album: Mosaics
From New York City to Babylon
Like the tooth and the claw
There's the law of the missile and the gun
When Eden fell we gained our shame
And from that age to this
There has been no significant change
With broken wings we beat the air
And as we plummet we pretend that we don't care
With broken wings we walk the earth
And wonder how much is all our recklessness worth
From glassy towers with glassy eyes
We indulge in the view while the scum of the city walk by
We soothe our sorrows we drown our guilt
With the icons and idols that hang on the walls we have built
And so we breathe until we die
The acropolis crumbles
While humbleness threatens to die
The culture fiddles while it cries
The accompaniments to such a sad, self-inflicted demise
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