No Matter How Far by Mark Swayze

Song Lyrics

No Matter How Far
by Mark Swayze

Album: This Album Feeds Children

Verse 1:
The Kingdom is coming
Awaken your hearts
For soon will be morning
The heavens will part
And God will deliver
The promise He's made
Salvation in Jesus
By grace we are saved

We must go and tell the world
Of a God whose Love unfurled
Reaches to the darkest place

No matter how far we have to go
We'll tell the whole world He's God alone
We will go, we will go
No matter the cost we'll take Your Word
To all the corners of the earth
We will go, we will go

Verse 2:
The fields they are ready
But few are the hands
Lord, send out more workers
To harvest this land
The Kingdom of Heaven is near
Give us great boldness
Until You appear

To the ends of the earth
We will tell of Your Worth, O God, O God
For the nations will sing
Of our Glorious King, O God, O God


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