Our Hope by Mark Swayze

Song Lyrics

Our Hope
by Mark Swayze

Album: This Album Feeds Children

Verse 1:
You reached out when I called You
You said, "Do not fear"

You know all of my secrets
And still You come near


Out of the darkness we will shine
Out of our brokenness we'll rise
Out of our hopelessness we cry

You are our hope, O God
Our only hope, O God
Come set us free, Lord
And bind us to Thee
You are our hope, O God

Verse 2:
I cannot bear all my burdens
I fight for words to say
When I lift my eyes to You, Lord
It changes everything


Out of shadows we stand
As we reach for Your hand
You are all that we have
As a nation revived
As a Church that's alive
You are all that we have
Out of shadows we stand
As we reach for Your hand
You are all that we have
As a nation revived
As a Church that's alive
As Your people we cry

You are our hope, O God
Our only hope, O God

Come set us free, Lord
And bind us to Thee
You are our hope, O God
You are our hope, O God

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