Psalm 91 by Mark Swayze

Song Lyrics

Psalm 91
by Mark Swayze

Album: This Album Feeds Children

Verse 1:
He will answer me
When I call upon His Name
He walks with me in times of trouble
He will cover me
Because I am His
He is my Shield, my Strength and Protection

I will dwell in the shelter of the Most High God
I will rest in the shadow of His Wings
I will say of the LORD, You are my Refuge
You are my Fortress

Verse 2:
He will rescue me
Because I love Him
He will deliver me from evil
He will satisfy
For I honor His Name
He will show me His Salvation


I will not fear the terror of night
Nor the arrow that flies by the day
Though ten thousand may fall
It will not come near
He'll guard us in all our ways


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