How Cool Is Jesus by Marty Rotella

Song Lyrics

Spirit Power 2 by Marty Rotella

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How Cool Is Jesus
by Marty Rotella

Album: Spirit Power 2

Walk through walls.
Walk on the sea.
Walk on the earth.
Set us free.

Jesus is cool.
In word and deed.
He gives a sign.
He plants a seed.

Heal the lame.
Raise the dead.
Mend the heart.
Shares his bread.
Born in a manger.
Cures disease.
Washing feet.
Calming seas.

How cool is Jesus.
What is he made of.
We know from Scripture,
He's made of Love.
How cool is Jesus,
Teaching us hot to pray.
Pray to the father.
Here's what to say

How cool is Jesus.
What is he made of.
We know from Scripture,
He's made of Love.
How cool is Jesus,
Teaching us hot to pray.
Pray to the father.
Here's what to say

His Love is for all
Whoever you may be.
He hears all our prayers,
He lived without sin,
To set us free.
He lived and died for you and for me.

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Jesus is worse than anything in the World, Jackie chan is THE coolest person on the entire earth and everywhere else. How could you do this 0/0 stars - Jun 2016

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