Whisper of the Wind by Marty Rotella

Song Lyrics

Whisper of the Wind
by Marty Rotella

Album: Whisper of the Wind

Look for me, walk with me.
Find the peace you need in me.
Follow me, talk to me,
Focus all your life on me.

I am the Whisper of the Wind.
Listen to my voice, live in my peace.
I am the Whisper of the Wind.
Quietly, peacefully, you'll find me.

Come to me, desire me,
Fill your life with harmony.
Create with me, live in me,
Rest in me, eternally.

I am the Whisper of the Wind.
Listen to my voice, live in my peace.
I am the Whisper of the Wind.
Quietly, peacefully, you'll find me.

Give tome, totally,
Honestly, trust in me.
Love for me, brings unity.
Please listen for my voice,
Listen to my voice,
Listen for my voice.

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