Album: Poiema
(Intro/Dr. Fred Brown):
'Verily, verily I say unto thee
Except a corn of wheat
Falling to the ground and die
It abideth alone
But if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.'
I hold a grain of wheat in my hand
It is small and hard
And narrow and self-contained
And yet at its heart
There sleeps the mystery of life
And that is a parable
Just a simple preacher
From the Carolina hills
Born in just the perfect place and time
A gentle loving mountain man
With warm and sparkling eyes
And a face that wrinkled from a constant smile
From you I learned the kind of faith
That looks up to the mountains
In you I saw just what I'd like to be
Oh, Granddad, I wish you could be here
To tell me what to do
'Cause I first saw the light of Christ through you
It must've been a special love
That filled your shepherd's heart
That made you care so deeply for your flock
'Cause I hear tell on winter days
You'd always give your coat away
Simple 'cause you thought they needed more
In you I learned the kind of faith
That looked up to the mountains
In you I saw just what I'd like to be
Oh, Granddad, I wish you could be here
To tell me what to do
'Cause I first saw the light of Christ through you
And even though we never got
To know each other well
I thank the Lord for that one special night
When somewhere between the earth and sky
We silently met eye to eye
And I got the hug I needed for so long
In you I learned the kind of faith
That looked up to the mountains
In you I saw just what I'd like to be
Oh, Granddad, I wish you could be here
To tell me what to do
'Cause I first saw the light of Christ through you
From you I learned the kind of faith
That looks up to the mountains
In you I saw just what I'd like to be
Oh, Granddad, I wish you could be here
To tell me what to do
'Cause I first saw the light of Christ through you
Oh, Granddad, I wish you could be here
To tell me what to do
'Cause I first saw the light of Christ through you
(Outro/Dr. Fred Brown):
I have no hope expect that I believe
That Christ died for my sins
According to scriptures
I expect to swing out into eternity on that
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