Album: I Scream Sunday
Gossip now has got your ears
Drive a wedge that lasts for years
Charge a card better then a check
Now in debt up to your neck
In the dark you park your car
Soon your hands are roaming far
You know how to drink and drive
Will the kid you hit survive
See a birdie in the air
Build a bird nest in your hair
When temptation comes you say
"Why not take it all the way"
Got a little mad and cussed
So your witness will go bust
It wonīt hurt to sip some Mich
Six pack later feeling sick
Nurse a little bitterness
Make your neighbor eat your fist
Tell a joke about some gay
Keep a lost soul from the Way
See a birdie in the air
Build a bird nest in your hair
When temptation comes you say
"Why not take it all the way"
Be real cool, hang with the guys
Tease the fat girl ītil she cries
Canīt hold on to any cash
Spend the tithe of God on trash
No big deal to smoke some pot
Keep it up, your mind will rot
D & D is just a game
Learns to speak a demonīs name
See a birdie in the air
Build a bird nest in your hair
When temptation comes you say
"Why not take it all the way"
See that birdie in the air
You better run for cover
If it messes up your hair
Youīll look bad for your lover
See a birdie in the air
Build a bird nest in your hair
When temptation comes you say
"Why not take it all the way"...
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