That Little Baby by PromisedLand Quartet

Song Lyrics

That Little Baby
by PromisedLand Quartet

Album: A Christmas Collection

1) Once there were three wise men, Who were following a star
traveling to Bethlehem, From eastern lands so far
They had heard about a birth there, An anointed holy one
born to be messiah, God's only begotten son

Chorus) That little baby, he was, BORN ( born) of a virgin
He was, SENT (sent) down to save usand to, BARE (bare) every burden
He was God in the flesh, So let the hallelujahs ring, That little baby is the king

2) Angels were desceding on that bright and starry night,
Shepherds came to see him beneath that star so bright
That baby in a manger in that little Jewish town
One day will rule the universem, Creation will bow down

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