Conversation at the Well by Queen Majeeda

Song Lyrics

Conversation at the Well
by Queen Majeeda

Album: Wedding Invitation

I came to Jacob's well
in the heat of the day
no one goes to the well
at mid-day but me, I know
but who can stand those stares
that pierce through the cool morning
and the whispers when I approach?
I would rather come at mid-day
when gossipers stay home.
You would probably go to the well
at mid-day if you were me
and I know you're glad
you're not me.

I came to the well
at noon day
so why is Someone sitting there?
I dare not look at this Stranger.
What is He doing here, by the way?
Wait, did you
just ask
for water?
This is about to get
either really ridiculous
or really embarrassing.
Sir, You have nothing to draw
the water with
are You really asking
for a drink of water?
You, being a Jew
would ask
for water?
a woman of Samaria?

If I knew the gift of life and who is asking,
I would ask You for water instead?
What's this about living water
that I can drink and never thirst again?
Sir, Give me that water
so I will never have to come to this well again.
I have no husband.
How do You know
How do You know
the man I'm now with
isn't married to me?
Sir, I perceive You are a prophet.
I know Messiah must come
and when He is come,
He will tell us all things.

You are
the Messiah?
You are the Messiah!
Stay here, please?
I must tell all the men I know!
I will bring them to You.
I have found
the Messiah!
Come and see a Man
who told me everything I ever did!
Isn't this the Messiah?
I have found the Messiah!

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