Album: Wedding Invitation
The Bridegroom
You walked on water
You raised Jairus' daughter
turned water into wine
raised a widow's son to life
You claimed power over nature
turned a prostitute into a woman of virtue
You calmed the storm at sea
You were triumphant over every disease
in You the Father is well pleased.
You healed lepers, the blind, the deaf, the dumb, the lame
You raised Lazarus from the grave,
You fed more than five thousand
You conquered death through your own resurrection.
Yes, You became one of us
You healed the ear of Malchus
as they arrested You in Gethsamane
You were forgiving of your enemies.
Son of man, You were God on a mission
casting out demons who claimed to be lesions.
You spoke healing to the sick
healed the lunatic and the paralytic
healed the woman with the issue of blood
my Lord and my God,
it was You who parted the Red Sea
and spoke this world into being
You formed clay into a man
called his name Adam
breathed into his nostrils
he became a living being,
put him to sleep
took a rib from him
and then made Eve.
You gave the Ten Commandments
Manna to Your people in the wilderness
You were the Cloud by day
and the Fire by night
in You we have everlasting life.
the Bridegroom.
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