Throne by Remedy Drive

Song Lyrics

Commodity by Remedy Drive

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by Remedy Drive

Album: Commodity

Come back to the safety where you belong
You prisoners of hope
Return to your strongholds
The King is still, the King is still on the throne

Come captives and exiles, overwhelmed
Attracted by the beauty of a distant realm
Where the King is still, the King is still on the throne

And we'll make our way back home
For the King is still on the throne

By these rivers in our imprisonments
We won't hang up our stringed instruments
For the King is still, the King is still on the throne

Oh hasten the day, awaken the dawn
Strengthened by the phrases of redemption's song
The King is still, the King is still on the throne

And we'll make our way back home
For the King is still on the throne

Though we're captives here today
Daughter wipe those tears away
We are prisoners of hope
We are prisoners of hope

And we'll make our way back home
For the King is still on the throne

And we'll make our way back home
For the King is still on the throne

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