Minister By Night by Sacred Warrior

Song Lyrics

Classics by Sacred Warrior

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Minister By Night
by Sacred Warrior

Album: Classics

Thank you for your concern for my christian life
Your prayers are deeply needed but let's put an end to this strife
Yes, I've been seen in places that you'd only pass in daylight
But that's our biggest difference we minister by night

We're out on the front lines, challenging everyone
Surrounded by fruits of sin that consume your daughter or son
We go in after them, they're in our sights
But that's our gift in the darkness we'll shed the light

I minister by night in a heavenly show
Taking the world to places, places that you would not go

So many other people are lost, they're people you know

We minister by night in a heavenly show
Taking the world to places, where Jesus had led us go

Yes, I've been seen in places that you'd only pass in daylight
But that's our biggest difference we minister by night

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