Album: The Anthem of Angels
Can I hear Your voice? 'Cause I feel so far away
And You've always known exactly what to say
But tonight I've really crossed the line
I've let You down but You never said goodbye
I know You'll be here tomorrow
When everyone else has come and gone
I want to run, I want to hide, wish I could disappear tonight
'Cause I feel like I'm just one mistake away
And I know You'll never leave but it's so hard to believe
When I feel like I'm just one mistake away from You leaving me today
How I've tried to keep this fire alive
Holding onto You, the one that I desire
And I know that I'm the one to blame
Wish I was stronger but I'm growing every day
And I know You'll be here tomorrow
When everyone else has come and gone
And I want to run, I want to hide, wish I could disappear tonight
'Cause I feel like I'm just one mistake away
And I know You'll never leave but it's so hard to believe
When I feel like I'm just one mistake away from You leaving me today
When I fall You run to hold me You wrap Your arms around me
And You calm all my fears, You're not leaving me here
I'm not too far away, still covered by Your grace
And You came to take away my shame, I'm not one mistake away
But I run and I hide, I'm still fighting with this life
That tells me I'm just one mistake away
And Jesus, I know You'll never leave, sometimes I get so sick of me
That I feel like I'm just one mistake away from You leaving me today
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