I Am A Spirit by Shawna Cain

Song Lyrics

I Am A Spirit
by Shawna Cain

Album: I Am A Spirit - Single

I am a spirit I live in a body
I have a soul and
It tries to act naughty
I m in control I m in charge of this body
I can t let it go
I am free no more bondage
The true essence of who I am
Speaking to God's Spirit over again
Communicating in spirit and truth

Not always expecting
My feelings to clue in
Sometimes it feels like He s gone
But take heed the father
Will never leave us
Understand feelings will change but
The spirit man is renewed everyday
I walk by faith and not by sight
Not every thought that comes is right
You decide what to believe
You tell the body how to be

I am a spirit
I am a, I am a spirit though
Not subject to feelings
Not subject to
All of my feelings though
I tell the body
I tell the body it s me in control
And truths in my body
The Holy Spirit always taking His role

I am a spirit
I am a, I am a spirit though
Not subject to feelings
Not subject to
All of my feelings though yeah
I tell the body
I tell the body it s me in control
And truths in my body
The Holy Spirit always taking His role

Holy Spirit always taking His role
Bringing me places the body don t know
Leading me beyond my comforting zone
Challenging mindsets I need to let go
Go go, go bye
Truth is a mindset it builds up by time
How you gonna grow
If your mind ain t in line
The spirit of man
Is the lamp of Most High
Uh look for the truth
Seeking and looking blues clues

This is real life and
I ll tell you the truth
Souls on the line and
This don t excluded you
Uh see, see what I mean
God right before us
And we just act mean
Act like we got this but reality
Still crying out
But refuse to bend knees

I am a spirit
I am a, I am a spirit though
Not subject to feelings
Not subject to
All of my feelings though, nah
I tell the body
I tell the body it s me in control
And truths in my body
The Holy Spirit always taking His role

I am a spirit
I am a, I am a spirit though
Not subject to feelings
Not subject to
All of my feelings though yeah
I tell the body
I tell the body it s me in control
And truths in my body
The Holy Spirit always taking His role

You are not your feelings
You are not your body
You can pick and choose
Which of those take pilot
You should let the real you
Take control and fly dis
Let your spirit lead you
While you go deposit
You are not your feelings
You are not your body
You can pick and choose
Which of those take pilot
You should let the real you
Take control and fly dis
Let your spirit lead you
While you go deposit

I am a spirit
I am a, I am a spirit though yeah
Not subject to feelings
Not subject to
All of my feelings though, yeah
I tell the body
I tell the body it s me in control
And truths in my body
The Holy Spirit always taking His role

I am a spirit
I am a, I am a spirit though yeah
Not subject to feelings
Not subject to
All of my feelings though, yeah
I tell the body
I tell the body it s me in control
And truths in my body
The Holy Spirit always taking His role

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