Album: Unraveling
My God, the spring of all my joys
The life of my delight
The glory of my brightest days
and comfort of my nights
In darkest shades if He appear
my dawning is begun
He is my soul's sweet morning star
and He is my rising sun
Father, my gracious Lord, guardian of my days
Your mercies all my heart records
in songs of grateful praise
Ten thousand, thousand gifts
they find their radiance in this
that Jesus shows His heart is mine
and whispers "I am His"
Alleluia, Alleluia
Savior, true word made flesh,
Thy goodness I'll pursue
And when I stand on Heaven's shores,
I'll sing thy praise a new
Where death is bound by laws fulfilled,
my praises will ring out
And all the saints will join the theme,
Let heaven's walls resound...
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