More of You by Strings and Heart

Song Lyrics

More of You
by Strings and Heart

Album: More of You - EP

As the deer pants fall on water
My soul longs for you, God
Like a stream of milk and honey
Lord, overflow my cup

I bring this perfume to your feet
I pour my love here on my knees
Longing for your heart
I want more of you and less of me
More of you and less of me
Jesus, I surrender at your feet
Yes, I want more of you and less of me
More of you and less of me
Jesus, I surrender at your feet

My mind cannot fathom
The beauty of your cross
Like a child that's standing on
At the canvas of your love
And I bring this perfume to your feet
I pour my love here on my knees
Longing for your heart

I want more of you and less of me
More of you and less of me
Jesus, I surrender at your feet
I want more of you and less of me
More of you and less of me
Jesus, I surrender at your feet

More of you and less of me
Jesus, I surrender at your feet
More of you and less of me
Jesus, I surrender at your feet
More of you and less of me
Jesus, I surrender at your feet

I want more of you and less of me
More of you and less of me
Jesus, I surrender at your feet
I want more of you and less of me
More of you and less of me
Jesus, I surrender at your feet

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