Redemption by Testimony of Apocalypse

Song Lyrics

by Testimony of Apocalypse

Album: None Escape the Judgement

Death Death from below
Living in torment, nowhere to turn, what will you do?
(Job 15:20 - 26)

Rage Rage from within
Ripping and tearing, wounds running deep, black is the soul
(Psalm 147:3) (Phil. 4:19) (Matt. 11:28) (Rev 21:4) (Jer. 17:14)

Into the earth our bodies go
And then to dust we shall return (Gen. 3:19 AMP) (Eccles. 3:20)

Wake Wake-Up your mind
There is a way, you can be saved, open your heart
(Rom. 10:9-13) (John 3:3-21) (Jer. 29:13) (Ezek. 11:19) (Acts 16:31)

Blood - of the Savior, the Redeemer of your soul
God the Creator, gave atonement for your sin

Living, life eternal, with protection from the Lord
In Him, there s redemption and salvation for us all!
(Rom. 3: 23 -26) (1 John 1:7)

Hate Hate is alive
Bitterness grows, burning inside, living is hell
(Prov. 10:12, Eph. 4:30 32, Psalm 37: 8 9)

Wrath Wrath from above
Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith The Lord
(Rom. 12:19 KJ21, Deut. 32:35 CSB)

The Son of Man will come again
And put an end to wickedness
(Matt. 16:27 NLT, John 5: 19 30, Prov. 11:21, Isa. 11:4, 2 Cor. 5:10, Rev 20:11 - 15)

Grace Grace from within
Living in peace, eternal reward, delivered from death
(Rom. 8:1 12, Phil. 4:7, Rom. 5:1 2, Eph. 2:8 9, 2 Tim 1:10, Rev 21:4, John 11:25 26 ESV, John 3: 16 17, John 5:24, John 11:25 26 ESV)

-Repeat Chorus-

Who Will You Follow
Will Your Soul Be Damned
Only Christ Will Save You!
Atonement Forgiveness Redemption!

-Repeat First Verse-
-Repeat Chorus-

For Spoken Words see: Rom. 8:38-39 NIV, Col 1:13-14 NIV & Rev 20:10 NIV

Also see: Eph. 1:7, Titus 2:11 14, 1 Cor. 1:30, Gal. 3:13, Isa. 44:22, Psalm 107:2, Psalm 111:9, Rom. 8:23, Job 19: 25 27, Luke 21: 25 28, I Pet. 1: 18 19

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