Hands that have done wrong we lift towards the heavens.
Lips that speak unkindness, sing the praises to His name.
Ordinary words are used to praise our King
As we keep on longing for the day when we, will give Him
Perfect praise
And our voices won't grow weary
Perfect praise
Singing everlasting song
With hearts both pure and holy through forever and a day,
We will offer up our perfect praise.
Just imagine if you can all the splendors of heaven
As the Book of Life is opened and all the names are read inside.
Where at last He calls our names, glorified we'll kneel in place
In fullness of His presence, we will look upon His face.
And give Him
Perfect praise
And our voices won't grow weary
Perfect praise
Singing everlasting song
With hearts both pure and holy through forever and a day
We will offer up our perfect
Praise you God our Father, Lord you are so great.
Bowing down before you giving honor to your name.
Perfect praise, hmm
Perfect praise,
Oh, we'll give Him
Perfect praise
And our voices won't grow weary
Perfect praise
Singing everlasting song
With hearts both pure and holy through forever and a day
We will offer up our perfect praise.
Oh, with hearts both pure and holy through forever and a day
We will offer up our perfect praise.
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