Welcome To The Family by The Booth Brothers

Song Lyrics

Welcome To The Family
by The Booth Brothers

Album: Atlanta Live!

The tablecloths are red and white, the tea is sweet and cold
The lines are long for that good fried chicken and green bean casserole
Old folks all are fanning, the young kids are at play
The preacher asks the blessing, it's a scene that seems to say

Welcome to the family you can feel at home here
There's a lotta love that goes beyond these years
There's nothing like the fellowship of those who love the Lord
So welcome to the family, there's always room for more

We all feel like nappin' on a Sunday afternoon
But we'll stick around for a while to sing some good ole gospel tunes
It doesn't matter if the voices and the songs are new or old
There's something in the harmony that's speaking to my soul.

When I count my blessings it's easy to see
My brothers and sisters that mean so much to me

I think about the many times they've kept me in their prayers
And the countless ways they've always shown me that they care
And I know they'll still walk with me no matter what's ahead
IYes so much more than just their words, their lives have always said

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