Because of the Blood by The Collingsworth Family

Song Lyrics

Because of the Blood
by The Collingsworth Family

Album: Just Sing!

The thief on the cross, Deserved his sentence
Dying for the crimes he had done
Desperate and hopeless with only a prayer left
He turned and asked for mercy from God's son
As the veil was being torn, thunder shook the earth
And the power of the blood reached out to him
As Jesus paid the sacrifice, he made a promise
Today you'll be with me in paradise

Because of the Blood he was free that day
Sin's chains lost their hold on him
His sins washed away
He met one who forgave him
And changed his destiny
His sins were forgiven, forgotten forever
Because of the blood

And like the thief on the cross, my soul was covered
With the stains of my sin that brought me shame
Desperate and dying I looked to the cross
And called upon Jesus name
Oh I don't understand it, I can't explain it
But one thing I know for sure
Oh my sins are washed away, oh happy day
Thats why we stand here and say

Because of the Blood I am free today
Sins chains have no hold on me
My ransom is paid
Jesus forgave me
And changed my destiny
My sins are forgiven, forgotten forever

Oh forgiven, forgotten forever

Jesus forgave me
And changed my destiny
My sins are forgiven, forgotten forever
Because of the Blood
Because of the Blood
Because of the Blood
Because of the Blood
Because of the Blood

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