Mitt Hjerte Alltid Vanker by The Crossing

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Mitt Hjerte Alltid Vanker
by The Crossing

Album: The Court of A King

Mitt hjerte alltid vanker I Jesu f derum, der samles mine tanker som i sin hovedsum. Der er min lengsel hjemme, der har min tro sin skatt; jeg kan dig aldri glemme, velsignet julenatt!

Den m rke stall skal v re mitt hjertes frydeslott, der kan jeg daglig l re glemme verdens spott. Der kan med takk jeg finne hvori min ros best r, n r Jesu krybbes minne mig rett til hjerte g r.

Men under uten like, hvor kan jeg vel forst at Gud av himmerike i stallen ligge m ! At himlens fryd og re, det levende Guds ord skal s foraktet v re p denne arme jord!

My heart often visits the place of Jesus' birth, with the cattle lowing and the star shining down the whisper of angels--here my thoughts gather round. And my longings are at home and at rest and my faith finds its treasure on this Christmas night blest!.
How can I forget this vision, the dark stable filled with creation and Creator, this place is a foretaste of joy complete! I come here daily to roam, leaving behind the world's mocking scorn and seeking ways to speak, to sing your glorious praise.
How long the memories linger of this ancient manger, a crib of wood and hay--and the miracle within and beyond all this is God appearing here in this stable small and rude. He came, but was despised on this poor earth-Him, the eternal honored Word.

Akk kom, jeg op vil lukke mitt hjerte og mitt sinn og full av lengsel sukke: kom, Jesus, dog herinn! det er ei fremmed bolig, du har den selv jo kj pt, s skal du blive trolig her i mitt hjerte sv pt.

Jeg gjerne palmegrene vil om din krybbe str , for dig, for dig alene jeg leve vil og d . Kom, la min sjel dog finne sin rette gledes stund, tt du er f dt her inne i hjertets dype grunn!

Yet I can offer Him a dwelling place forever--here within my heart. I am here; "Please come, sweet Jesus," I sigh, "come to this heart that is your home. I know it is no strange place I offer you for it has been built and bought by you. Here you can come back in to your creation, and I will wrap you gently in my heart and soul. If I could, I would place palm branches all round your feet. For you I will live, and for you I will die. I have found complete joy, as in my heart you are born anew.

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