Go To The Master by The McGruders

Song Lyrics

Go To The Master
by The McGruders

Album: Come Fly With The McGruders

Verse 1
When there's no place to go, you think no one knows, what you're going through.
When you've done all you can, you're exhausted my friend, and there's nothing else left you can do.
When life overwhelms you, or someone betrays you, you feel like nobody cares,
There's still one place I know, when there's no place to go, I can go to the Master in prayer.

I can go to the Master, He always listens, He welcomes my pleas because He cares about
me, He won't overlook my petition.
He's standing above, and He's watching in love, He's waiting my burdens to bear,
He's got time for you, and a place for me too, I can go to the Master in prayer.

Verse 2
When the world turns on me, I'm so blind I can't see, doubts are everywhere.
When friends turn me down, and my spirit is bound, I can't rise above all my fears.
When pain won't release me, there's no peace within me, I'm feeling like life isn't fair,
When my night's sleep is lost, and I've turned and I've tossed, I can go to the Master in prayer.

If you're life's a dead end, I can still recommend, you can go to the Master in prayer.

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Beautiful hymn which reduces you to tears as the words n the singer are both excellent. - Jun 2024

Awesome - Apr 2024

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