Look and Live by The Michael Fletcher Chorale

Song Lyrics

Look and Live
by The Michael Fletcher Chorale

Album: Live

I've a message from the Lord, hallelujah!
This message unto you I'll give,
'Tis recorded in His word, hallelujah!
It is only that you "look and live."

"Look and live," my brother, live,
Look to Jesus now, and live;
'Tis recorded in His word, hallelujah!
Its in his word, Hallelujah
And It is only that you "look and live."

I've a message full of love, hallelujah!
A message, O my friend, for you,
'Tis a message from above, hallelujah!
Jesus said it, and I know 'tis true.

"Look and live," my brother, live,
Look to Jesus now, and live;
'Tis recorded in His word, hallelujah!
Its in his word, Hallelujah
And It is only that you "look and live."

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