Three Nails Instead by The Nelons

Song Lyrics

Loving You by The Nelons

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Three Nails Instead
by The Nelons

Album: Loving You

From His glory he came down, God in flesh and bone.
Set aside his royal crown for a lowly dusty robe.
If that doesn't sound like I Love You,
then hear what Calvary has to say.

The cross must have whispered
And the spear must have shouted
The crown of thorns revealed what must be said.
Though I love you wasn't spoken
from the lips of the Savior.
He said, I Love You, with three nails instead.

Every stripe upon His back, was mercy in disguise.
Tears of sorrow pourin out, was redemption in His eye.
If that doesn't sound like I love you,
then hear what Calvary has to say.

The cross must have whispered
And the spear must have shouted
The crown of thorns revealed what must be said.
Though I love you wasn't spoken
from the lips of the Savior.
He said, I Love You, with three nails instead.

Have you ever felt unloved?
Have you ever felt ashamed?
Have you ever felt abandoned, by the sin that bears your name?

The cross must have whispered
And the spear must have shouted
The crown of thorns revealed what must be said.
Though I love you wasn't spoken
from the lips of the Savior.
He said, I Love You, with three nails instead.

Though I love you wasn't spoken
from the lips of the Savior.
He said, I Love You, with three nails instead. (three nails instead)

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Beautiful, beautiful song. Thank you, Nelon's, for your legacy. - Aug 2024

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