King Of The Broken by The School of Worship

Song Lyrics

King Of The Broken
by The School of Worship

Album: Christ In Me - The Annual

King of the broken, friend of the poor
No one so worthy has offered up more
In Your great mercy You flung wide the door
We will be Yours always

Worthy is the Lamb of God
Jesus Christ the Holy One
Worthy is the Lamb that was slain
To receive all glory, power and praise
You who sit enthroned on high
You who have redeemed our lives
You broke the curse and conquered sin
We will be Yours, We will be Yours always

Love of the hopeless, Great Sacrifice
Beautiful Sovereign, Father of lights
You laid down Your glory, Gave up Your rights
We will be Yours always

We will worship You for You have redeemed us
Out of every nation, people and tongue
May the Lamb who was slain be praised
He has taken the sin of the world
He has taken the sin of the world

Author of justice You made the trade
Jesus our ransom, You are mighty to save
Champion of heaven You saved the day
We will be Yours always

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