A Gathering of Shades by The Snake the Cross the Crown

Song Lyrics

A Gathering of Shades
by The Snake the Cross the Crown

Album: Mander Salis

We make plans
They take off in water
We can bar them
Should we expect for them to harbor
When all we want is the quiet we've got
I know it's not the thought
But more the terms to start
To bring these happenings forward
Shaped like the cold when you wake and alone
Just don't let it go
Don't let the loss of control
Keep you in fear
Keep you alone
Just wait for these hands to hold you down and
lock you up when you are
Were still separating between the ranks and higher calls
If we can keep our mindset we won't see threw
It's not just like before
We walk while we wait
And our lost and our pain becomes apart of us again
Our hopes they reign
And our thoughts took blame
Just don't let it go
Don't let the loss of control
Keep you in fear
Keep you alone
Now was all this hard
You to say what you are
Was it to make something more then what you think started forth

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