The Sun Tells the Moon by The Snake the Cross the Crown

Song Lyrics

The Sun Tells the Moon
by The Snake the Cross the Crown

Album: Mander Salis

no, don't want the world
yeah, cause you'll wanna have everything
and don't say that you're just a little more deserving of this or of that
yeah, cause we've all got needs
but I know you feel trapped.
yeah, but we all got gravity

oh no, we're lost, the stars they just stare
yeah, and it's driving me crazy
the planets don't care
yeah, they prefer they didn't know me cause I'm just a means

yeah, they all want ends and the comets just sing
you can even hear them coming

we sing the saddest songs cause we don't know what we want
we want more and want it cause we're scared to say it

we are the children's lips thirsty for just a glimpse
of what is right and wrong because we can't accept our lives.

so the sun tells the moon
"yeah you should've been a star"
the reply is a tune
oh but the sun just stops
saying "oh that's so sad but im glad I heard it
you moons arent so bad"
and they just kept on spinning.

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